External kratos "application" for multiscale time integration.
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 NPipesUnix-inspired pipes in C++
 CFileContentIteratorIterator interface around a file pointer
 CFileStringIteratorA read-only iterator over the items of a delimited file
 CJournalBaseA class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis
 CJournalA class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis
 CRegexUtilityStatic-only utility class for common regexes
 CPlaceholderPatternA class for interfacing placeholders and regular expressions
 CModelPartPatternA class for working with formatted strings related to ModelParts
 CCheckpointPatternA class for working with formatted strings related to Checkpoint
 CWRAppMetaMetaclass replacing that of the C++ WRAppClass to provide derived classes access to abc.ABCMeta
 CWRAppClassWRApp::WRAppClass with a replaced metaclass for compatibility with abc
 Chash< Kratos::WRApp::CheckpointID >