External kratos "application" for multiscale time integration.
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12345]
 C_BatchA set of HDF5 files and related data to process
 C_DatasetAn HDF5Path with an associated mesh, also represented by an HDF5Path
 CCheckpointIDClass enapsulating data and functionality for uniquely identifying a Checkpoint or Snapshot
 CContainerProxy< TEntityProxy >A view with a uniform interface for ModelPart::NodesContainerType, ModelPart::ElementsContainerType, or ModelPart::ConditionsContainerType
 CDatasetTable@classname DatasetTable
 CDataValueContainerKeyIteratorIterator providing access to variables' names within a DataValueContainer
 CDynamicEntityProxyRuntime version of EntityProxy
 CEntityProxy< TLocation, TMutable >Wrapper class providing a uniform interface for historical/non-historical Node, Element, and Condition
 CFileContentIteratorIterator interface around a file pointer
 CFileStringIteratorA read-only iterator over the items of a delimited file
 Chash< Kratos::WRApp::CheckpointID >
 CHDF5PathFilesystem path to an HDF5 file and a prefix within, uniquely identifying dataset/group
 CIntervalUtility< TValue >Utility class for membership tests on a 1D interval
 CJournal::iteratorAn iterator wrapping JournalBase::iterator but with Parameters as value_type
 CJournalA class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis
 CJournalBaseA class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis
 CMapKeyIterator< TIterator >Iterator providing access to the keys of an std::map or std::unordered_map
 CModelPredicateBase class for functors that take a Model and return a bool
 CMPIUtilsUtility class collecting functions requiring MPI synchronization
 COptionalRef< TElement >An optional, modeling a pointer
 COptionalRef< QualifiedEntity >
 CPlaceholderPatternA class for interfacing placeholders and regular expressions
 CRegexUtilityStatic-only utility class for common regexes
 CSuiteFlagsEnum bitfield controlling which suites a test case should be added to
 CJournalBase::ThreadIDA wrapper class for identifying threads
 CTraits< TInput, TOutput >Metaclass containing type information every pipe must inherit from
 CTraits< const Model &, bool >
 CTraits< const Model &, const ModelPart & >
 CTraits< const ModelPart &, const ProcessInfo & >
 CTraits< const ProcessInfo &, TVariable::Type >
 CTraits< TInput, bool >
 CTraits< TInputPipe::InputType, TOutputPipe::OutputType >
 CTraits< TPipe::InputType, TPipe::OutputType >
 CTraits< TValue, bool >
 CTraits< TValue, TValue >
 CWRAppClassDummy base class for registering and exporting exposed classes in WRApplication