►C__WRAppClass | |
CWRAppClass | WRApp::WRAppClass with a replaced metaclass for compatibility with abc |
►CWRAppMeta | Metaclass replacing that of the C++ WRAppClass to provide derived classes access to abc.ABCMeta |
CWRAppClass | WRApp::WRAppClass with a replaced metaclass for compatibility with abc |
C_Batch | A set of HDF5 files and related data to process |
C_Dataset | An HDF5Path with an associated mesh, also represented by an HDF5Path |
C_SuiteFlags | |
►CABC | |
CWRAppMeta | Metaclass replacing that of the C++ WRAppClass to provide derived classes access to abc.ABCMeta |
►CSolutionStageScope | RAII context manager for tasks during solver execution |
►CAsyncSolver.SolverScope | Embed some part of AsyncSolver in a SolutionStageScope |
CAsyncSolver.AdvanceScope | Embed AsyncSolver._Advance in a SolutionStageScope |
CAsyncSolver.PostprocessScope | Embed AsyncSolver._Postprocess in a SolutionStageScope |
CAsyncSolver.PreprocessScope | Embed AsyncSolver._Preprocess in a SolutionStageScope |
CAsyncSolver.SolutionLoopScope | Embed AsyncSolver.Run in a SolutionStageScope |
►CAsyncSolver.SynchronizeScope | Embed AsyncSolver._Synchronize in a SolutionStageScope |
CWrappedAnalysis.SynchronizeScope | Sandwich AnalysisStage.SolveSolutionStage between "initialization" and "finalization" |
CAggregateSolutionStageScope | Enter multiple SolutionStageScope contexts at once |
CCoSimCoupling | Wrapper for CoSimulationApplication coupling procedures |
►CDatasetTransform | Fetch, transform and assign data between ModelPart s |
CDatasetLookup | Store, retrieve, and interpolate datasets |
CDatasetMap | DatasetTransform that uses a Mapper to map datasets before assigning them to the target ModelPart |
CNoOpDatasetTransform | DatasetTransform that directly assigns fetched datasets without doing anything to them |
►CData | |
CHDF5Data | |
CXmlData | |
►CDataItem | |
CCoordinateDataItem | |
CLeafDataItem | |
CUniformDataItem | |
►CDataType | |
CFloat | |
CInt | |
CUInt | |
►CABCMeta | |
►CSnapshotManager | Interface for Snapshot lifetime management |
CHDF5SnapshotManager | Snapshot manager specialized for HDF5Snapshot |
CSnapshotInMemoryManager | |
CConvergenceAccelerator.AcceleratorScope | |
CCheckpointID | Class enapsulating data and functionality for uniquely identifying a Checkpoint or Snapshot |
CCLI | |
CContainerProxy< TEntityProxy > | A view with a uniform interface for ModelPart::NodesContainerType, ModelPart::ElementsContainerType, or ModelPart::ConditionsContainerType |
Ch5py.Dataset | |
CDatasetTable | @classname DatasetTable |
CDataValueContainerKeyIterator | Iterator providing access to variables' names within a DataValueContainer |
CDebug | |
CDynamicEntityProxy | Runtime version of EntityProxy |
CEntityProxy< TLocation, TMutable > | Wrapper class providing a uniform interface for historical/non-historical Node, Element, and Condition |
►CEnum | |
CDatasetTable.Interpolation | |
►CException | |
CToDoException | |
CFileContentIterator | Iterator interface around a file pointer |
CFileStringIterator | A read-only iterator over the items of a delimited file |
Ch5py.Group | |
Ch5py | |
Chash< Kratos::WRApp::CheckpointID > | |
CHDF5Path | Filesystem path to an HDF5 file and a prefix within, uniquely identifying dataset/group |
CIntervalUtility< TValue > | Utility class for membership tests on a 1D interval |
CJournal::iterator | An iterator wrapping JournalBase::iterator but with Parameters as value_type |
CJournal | A class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis |
CJournalBase | A class for keeping administrational text data throughout an analysis |
►CKratosCoreFastSuite | |
CWRAppTestSuite | |
CLauncher | |
CMapKeyIterator< TIterator > | Iterator providing access to the keys of an std::map or std::unordered_map |
►Cmetaclass | |
CWRAppClass | WRApp::WRAppClass with a replaced metaclass for compatibility with abc |
CCheckpointProcess | Main interface process for checkpointing |
CSnapshotManager | Interface for Snapshot lifetime management |
►CModelPredicate | Base class for functors that take a Model and return a bool |
CModelPredicatePipe< TPipe > | |
CMPIUtils | |
CMPIUtils | Utility class collecting functions requiring MPI synchronization |
►COperation | |
CLaunchAnalysis | Set up, execute, and tear down an analysis based on an input JSON file |
►CSnapshotInMemoryIO.Operation | Base class for interacting with the static cache of SnapshotInMemoryIO |
CSnapshotInMemoryInput.Operation | Read data from the static cache of SnapshotInMemoryIO |
CSnapshotInMemoryOutput.Operation | Write data to the static cache of SnapshotInMemoryIO |
CSubSynchronization | A class wrapping AsnycSolver._Synchronize in a KratosMultiphysics.Operation |
CDatasetTransform | Fetch, transform and assign data between ModelPart s |
CGenerateHDF5Journal | Generate a Kratos::Journal from globbed HDF5 results |
CGenerateXDMF | Generate XDMF output for an existing set of HDF5 output files |
CRegistryExtensionOperation | Extend the WRApp registry with imported objects |
CWorkingDirectoryOperation | Change the working directory |
COptionalRef< TElement > | An optional, modeling a pointer |
COptionalRef< QualifiedEntity > | |
►CPlaceholderPattern | A class for interfacing placeholders and regular expressions |
►CModelPartPattern | A class for working with formatted strings related to ModelParts |
CCheckpointPattern | A class for working with formatted strings related to Checkpoint |
►CProcess | |
CCheckpointProcess | Main interface process for checkpointing |
CGenerateHDF5Journal | Generate a Kratos::Journal from globbed HDF5 results |
CGenerateXDMF | Generate XDMF output for an existing set of HDF5 output files |
CRegexUtility | Static-only utility class for common regexes |
CStringMaps | |
CSuiteFlags | Enum bitfield controlling which suites a test case should be added to |
►CTestCase | |
CTestCase | Custom test case class for sorting cases into suites automatically while globbing |
►CTestSuite | |
CTestSuite | Custom test suite class for sorting cases into suites automatically while globbing |
CJournalBase::ThreadID | A wrapper class for identifying threads |
CTraits< TInput, TOutput > | Metaclass containing type information every pipe must inherit from |
►CTraits< const Model &, bool > | |
CModelPredicatePipe< TPipe > | |
►CTraits< const Model &, const ModelPart & > | |
CModelPartFromModel | Get a ModelPart from a Model by name |
►CTraits< const ModelPart &, const ProcessInfo & > | |
CProcessInfoFromModelPart | Get the ProcessInfo of a ModelPart |
►CTraits< const ProcessInfo &, TVariable::Type > | |
►CVariableFromProcessInfo< decltype(TIME)> | |
CTimeFromProcessInfo | Get TIME from a ProcessInfo |
►CVariableFromProcessInfo< decltype(STEP)> | |
CStepFromProcessInfo | Get STEP from a ProcessInfo |
CVariableFromProcessInfo< TVariable > | Get a variable from ProcessInfo |
►CTraits< TInput, bool > | |
CConstPredicate< TInput > | Return a bool regardless of the input |
►CTraits< TInputPipe::InputType, TOutputPipe::OutputType > | |
CCompoundPipe< TInputPipe, TOutputPipe > | A composable pipe that takes the output of one pipe and feeds its result into another |
►CTraits< TPipe::InputType, TPipe::OutputType > | |
CSingleSegmentPipeline< TPipe > | An adaptor class for pipelines consisting of a single segment |
►CTraits< TValue, bool > | |
CComparison< TValue, TOperator > | Perform a comparison operation on the input as the left hand side |
CIntervalPredicate< TValue > | Pipe wrapper for Detail::IntervalUtility |
►CTraits< TValue, TValue > | |
CAdd< TValue > | Add a constant value to the input |
CModulo< TValue > | Compute the mod of the input |
►Ctype | |
CWRAppMeta | Metaclass replacing that of the C++ WRAppClass to provide derived classes access to abc.ABCMeta |
CWRAppMeta | Metaclass replacing that of the C++ WRAppClass to provide derived classes access to abc.ABCMeta |
CTyping | |
►CWRAppClass | Dummy base class for registering and exporting exposed classes in WRApplication |
CHdf5IdToIndexOperation | |
CHdf5IndexConnectivitiesOperation | |
CHdf5LinSpaceOperation | |
CModelPredicatePipe< TPipe > | |
►CWRAppClass | |
CLaunchAnalysis | Set up, execute, and tear down an analysis based on an input JSON file |
►CAsyncSolver | Base class for composable solvers that handle their domains asynchronously |
CCoupledAsyncSolver | AsyncSolver with coupling directives from CoSimulationApplication |
CWrappedAnalysis | Integrate a KratosMultiphysics.AnalysisStage into AsyncSolver._Synchronize |
CCheckpoint | Class representing a checkpoint, consisting of one or more consecutive Snapshot s |
CCheckpointProcess | Main interface process for checkpointing |
►CCheckpointSelector | A functor taking a Model and returning a CheckpointID to load or None |
CDefaultCheckpointSelector | Always returns None, i.e |
►CSnapshot | Class representing a snapshot of a ModelPart state |
►CSnapshotFS | Class representing a snapshot of a ModelPart state and its associated output file on the filesystem |
CHDF5Snapshot | Class representing a snapshot of a ModelPart state and its associated output file in HDF5 format |
CSnapshotInMemory | Snapshot that stores/fetches its data in/from memory |
►CSnapshotIO | Interface for performing Snapshot input/output operations |
►CSnapshotFSIO | Base class for Snapshot s that store their data on the filesystem |
►CHDF5SnapshotIO | Base class with common functionality to writing/loading snapshots to/from disk |
CHDF5SnapshotInput | Input class for reading most data from an HDF5 snapshot to a model part |
CHDF5SnapshotOutput | Output class for writing most data in the model part to an HDF5 snapshot |
►CSnapshotInMemoryIO | Base class for Snapshot input/output operations in memory |
CSnapshotInMemoryInput | Implements Snapshot input operations in memory |
CSnapshotInMemoryOutput | Implements Snapshot output operations in memory |
CCoSimCoupling | Wrapper for CoSimulationApplication coupling procedures |
CSubSynchronization | A class wrapping AsnycSolver._Synchronize in a KratosMultiphysics.Operation |
CConvergenceAccelerator | @classname ConvergenceAccelerator |
CConvergenceCriterion | Wrapper for cosim convergence criteria |
►CDataset | Class representing a dataset that can be operated on during coupling |
CCachedDataset | Dataset that stores into and fetches from a static cache |
CKratosDataset | Class representing a Variable stored in a ModelPart |
CDatasetTransform | Fetch, transform and assign data between ModelPart s |
CGenerateHDF5Journal | Generate a Kratos::Journal from globbed HDF5 results |
CGenerateXDMF | Generate XDMF output for an existing set of HDF5 output files |
CRegistryExtensionOperation | Extend the WRApp registry with imported objects |
CWorkingDirectoryOperation | Change the working directory |
►CWRAppMeta | |
CCheckpointProcess | Main interface process for checkpointing |
►CDataItem | |
CHDF5CoordinateDataItem | |
►CElement | |
CAttribute | |
CDataItem | |
CDocument | |
CDomain | |
CGeometry | |
►CGrid | |
CGridCollection | |
CGridLeaf | |
CGridSubset | |
CGridTree | |
►CTime | |
CTimeGrid | |
CTimeList | |
CTimePoint | |
CTopology | |
►CEnum | |
CAttribute.Center | |
CGeometry.Type | |
CGridCollection.Type | |
CTopology.Type | |
CSubgroupNaming | |