External kratos "application" for multiscale time integration.
Collaboration diagram for AsyncAnalysis:


class  AsyncSolver
 Base class for composable solvers that handle their domains asynchronously. More...
class  CoupledAsyncSolver
 AsyncSolver with coupling directives from CoSimulationApplication. More...
class  SolutionStageScope
 RAII context manager for tasks during solver execution. More...
class  AggregateSolutionStageScope
 Enter multiple SolutionStageScope contexts at once. More...
class  WrappedAnalysis
 Integrate a KratosMultiphysics.AnalysisStage into AsyncSolver._Synchronize. More...
class  SubSynchronization
 A class wrapping AsnycSolver._Synchronize in a KratosMultiphysics.Operation. More...
class  CoSimCoupling
 Wrapper for CoSimulationApplication coupling procedures. More...

Detailed Description